Neeraj Hazarika

Unleash the Code Wizard

Unleash the Code Wizard

Behold a 21-year-old freelance web developer with a mastery of React, MongoDB, Express, Flask, SQL, and more. Versatile and experienced, ready to manifest your web dreams into reality with a flick of the fingers!

Spellbinding Projects

Spellbinding Projects

Spellbinding Projects

Chronicles of Excellence

Chronicles of Excellence

Chronicles of Excellence

The journey of a thousand websites forged through a testament of hard work, determination, and passion.

5 Internship Experience

5 Internship Experience

5 Internship Experience


5 Freelance Projects

5 Freelance Projects

5 Freelance Projects


B.Tech. in CST @IIESTS


Glowing Reviews

Glowing Reviews

Glowing Reviews

Our magical maven weaved enchanting code for our website, leaving us spellbound!

Trustworthy, reliable, and efficient—every project delivered with a touch of brilliance.

Depth of knowledge mixed with sheer flair—a web developer who truly stands out from the crowd!

Summon a Code Wizard

Summon a Code Wizard

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© 2023 Sorcerer of Code

© 2023 Sorcerer of Code